Author: <span>Clyde</span>

Recipes across the internet

From I keep a big jar of the stuff in my pantry because it is so useful for making cheese sauces for pasta, nachos or fondue. Just dissolve 11 grams of sodium citrate into 1 1/8 cups (265 milliliters) of milk or water over medium heat, bring to a …

Current Food Theories

Should meals cooked at low temperatures be salted at finish? This depends on the texture desired and if using enzymes to cause autolysis or tissue breakdown. A quick jaunt shows that calpain and cathepsin the two major enzymes for breaking down meat at low temperatures are inhibited by NaCl. My …

Kotosoupa Avgolemono

What follows is a rough draft for four servings of Kotosoupa Avgolemono or chicken lemon soup which is a traditional greek soup using egg as a thickener. I skew westward with browning and prepared chicken pieces so keep that in mind. Ingredients 1 small yellow onion, cut into eighths 16 oz …

Asian Cabbage Salad

Ingredients  1/2 head green cabbage 1.5 teaspoons salt 2 tablespoons sautéed onions or raw scallions 1.5 teaspoon crunchy garlic 1.5 tablespoons olive oil 2 tablespoons rice vinegar .5 teaspoon black pepper .25 teaspoon MSG Cabbage prep Quarter, core, and cut cabbage into fine ribbons. In a large bowl massage salt …